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Starry Sky


Hoshi App

This is a case study of a simple app for a Japanese restaurant as part of my UX Design certification by Google. My goal for this was to create a streamlined experience for ordering food from a mobile app.


To see the high-fidelity prototype, click here!

Click the device to see the Hoshi app case study!

Hoshi Website

In a separate case study, I also created a responsive website for Hoshi for desktop devices.


To see the high-fidelity prototype, click here!


This is a case study of an app and its responsive websites for a service teaching children how to cook healthy food. My goal was to make sure that the kids were being given independence with options to have parents help where needed, while also keeping the kids safe.


To see the high-fidelity prototype, click here!

Click the device to see the Hoshi website case study!

Click the device to see the Tasteez case study!

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